Jiminy Cricket ‘From Imagination to Reality' Figurine Set (2003) - ID: 761880205397

Jiminy Cricket ‘From Imagination to Reality' Figurine Set (2003) - ID: 761880205397 Disneyana



Art Type:

Image Size: 
15”x3”x1” base , 3”x2”x4.25” each figurine
Price: $75.00
SKU: 761880205397

A Walt Disney Classics Collection 3-piece figurine se tof Jiminiy Cricket from “Pinocchio.” Titled “Jiminy Cricket Progression: From Imagination to Reality,” the figurine was sculpted by Kent Melton and features Pinocchio’s conscience in each step of the Walt Disney Classics Collection manufacturing process. The piece was released as a Members Only Gift sculpture to be purchased alongside the “I Made Myself at Home” figurine and showcases the whiteware, resin master, and resin stages of manufacturing. Measuring 3”x2”x4.25” tall each, with a 15”x3”x1” tall base, the figurines are in fine condition and come with the original 15”x11”x7.5”


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