Minute Maid Bing Crosby Commercial Storyboards - ID: augcommercial19010

Minute Maid Bing Crosby Commercial Storyboards - ID: augcommercial19010 Commercial



Image Size: 
9.5" x 6.5"
Price: $150.00
SKU: augcommercial19010

An original set of photostat copied storyboard drawings from a commercial for Minute Maid. Featuring fabulous illustrations of Bing Crosby, who starred in the advertisement, the 5-page set of storyboards were created at the studio and used during production to outline the studios plan for the commercial. Measuring 11"x8.5" overall, with the image itself measuring 9.5"x6.5", the set is in fair condition as there is notable water damage, and general page discoloration.

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